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Debt Epidemic Fears

City, tourism businesses may lead insolvency wave MORE than 350 Victorian businesses [...]


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Personal Insolvency Professionals Association

Primarily an association for Personal Insolvency Practitioners, PIPA is a professional body created to encompass individuals and corporations who, by the nature of their business involvement encounter consumer insolvency issues. The Association represents its members to government in respect of proposed legislative amendments to the Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth) and is a member of the federal Bankruptcy Reform Consultative Forum which meets regularly.

Personal Insolvency Professionals Association

Primarily an association for Personal Insolvency Practitioners, PIPA is a professional body created to encompass individuals and corporations who, by the nature of their business involvement encounter consumer insolvency issues. The Association represents its members to government in respect of proposed legislative amendments to the Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth) and is a member of the federal Bankruptcy Reform Consultative Forum which meets regularly.

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